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Treatment through Pulse therapy

Low levels of serotonin causes mild to severe depressions, which can lead to symptoms such as: anxiety, apathy, fear, fatigue, worthlessness. The most accurate evidence of the link between serotonin and depression is the reduced concentration of serotonin in cerebrospinal fluid and CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid )of the cerebrum. Antidepressants, which are given for the treatment of patients with depression have serious side effects and in most cases do not have the effect of increasing the level of serotonin. Studies have shown that serotonin levels are rising on increased physical activity. This indicates that the correct synthesis of serotonin in the body is very important Exchange, circulation and mostly normal biological signals that cannot be ignored. Reducing the Omega-3 fatty acids leads to lower levels of serotonin in the brain, which causes a strengthening depression. Some studies have linked depression with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact it is a co-morbidity. The main reason for their appearance is the same and mostly stress situations.
Where is the remedial effects of The Impulse therapy. Improvement of metabolism and blood flow normalizes correct synthesis of serotonin. It is very important in the body to do the necessary quantities of trace minerals-minerals, amino acids, vitamins.

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